We are a friendly club and new members, from beginners to experienced players, are always welcome. Our clubhouse has changing facilities and a bar and was completely refurbished in 2021. We have a full social programme each Thursday evening throughout the year. If you wish to find out more, or have a go, we offer taster sessions on Sunday mornings from 11am, and from 5pm on Thursday evenings in the summer season. We have a small collection of spare bowls you can try.
We have roll-ups on Monday and Friday afternoons, and Sunday mornings when we also offer taster sessions from 11am. We also have a roll-up on Thursday evenings starting at 5.30pm prior to Club Night at 7.30pm.
Local community: The bowling club interacts with the local community with members of the public welcome to come and have a go every Sunday morning and Thursday evening during the bowling season with free equipment and coaching from accredited coaches.
Anyone can become a non-playing member and join in the social side of the club. We have social evenings each Thursday, especially during the winter months. The clubhouse is available to hire by the local community and is especially suited to smaller groups.
Regular hirers include a bridge club and several U3A groups.
Many of our members continue playing during the winter season at the Wey Valley Indoor Bowling Club in Guildford and local Short Mat Clubs.
Membership 2024-2025
Playing £122
Non-playing £25
Junior £22
Club positions 2024/25
President Colin Colbrook
Vice President Vacant
Club Captain John Kershaw
Club Vice/Capt vacant
Secretary John Kershaw
Treasurer Liz Hyland
Mens Captain Rex Thorpe
Ladies Captain Adrienne Hughes
Membership Secretary Wendy Sheldon
Facilities Manager Adrienne Hughes
Housekeeping Glenda Mogg
Social Team Jane Regan
Bar Manager Colin Colbrook
Fixtures Secretary Alan Mogg
Recruitment John Kershaw
Fundraising Alan Hughes
Webmaster Geoff Sheldon
Maintenance Mick Pearce & John Rowland
click the button for the full list of officers of the club